
Joey Lowenstein Family Foundation

(JL Foundation™)

— Breaking the Barriers of Autism —

Mission Statement

The mission of the Joey Lowenstein Family Foundation (JL Foundation™) is to be the catalyst in giving those with autism who are voiceless, a voice. In the world of autism, many with vast talent are unable to share their inner thoughts simply because they cannot speak. No one should be without a voice. We want the voiceless to be able to communicate effectively so that they can reach their fullest potential. We want to break down communication barriers for these individuals, letting nothing stand in our way.

Live Life with ANSRS™

A — Athletics
N — Nutrition
S — Self-Development
R — Resolve
S — Scientific Research

Joey Lowenstein Paintings on Display

On October 19, several of Joey Lowenstein’s paintings were on display during the “All Aboard” event illuminating past and present courageous leaders at Western Spirit: Scottsdale’s Museum of the West hosted by First Place Phoenix.
More information at: Western Spirit: Scottsdale’s Museum of the West (a Smithsonian Affiliate)
Website: www.ScottsdaleMuseumWest.org

The Joey Lowenstein Family Foundation (JL Foundation™)

“Having the courage to conquer dilemmas and prosper like saints”
– Joey Lowenstein
“Yes, you know I’m an outdoor adventurer”
– Joey Lowenstein
“Spending some quality time with my mother”
– Joey Lowenstein