The Joey Lowenstein Foundation
ANSRS ™ : Self-Development
Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental meditation (TM) is another element in Joey’s self-development routine. This form of meditation can help eliminate distractions while stimulating a relaxed state of awareness. Bob Roth, who has spent time working with and guiding Joey, introduced Joey, his mom, and their team to Transcendental meditation. At first, Joey was able to meditate for 2-3 minutes, but with daily practice, Joey was able to calm and center himself for a longer sitting. Now, Joey will spend about 12-15 minutes twice a day meditating. TM is a tool that helps him relax against the consistent anxiety throughout the day, especially during this period of COVID 19. Joey has shared in the past that after a meditation session, he feels “restored” and ready to take on the day ahead of him.
See “Transcendental Meditation” video below.
“When in meditation I feel at one with the universe; I look forward to my sessions with Bob (Roth) where I can navigate the deepest part of my being and breakthrough limitations”
— Joey Lowenstein
Spirituality : Creative Writing
Spiritual activities are very personal. For Joey, he meets two to three times a week via Skype with Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz. He is Joey’s Rabbi and Creative Awareness Guide living in Jerusalem, Israel. With Rabbi Schwartz, they work on drawing out Joey’s inner voice by using a keyboard to communicate. During their meetings, Joey shares his poetry, his insights, and any questions he may have. These interactions and activities also help Joey feel centered.
Abstract Painting
Joey begun abstract painting in early 2020. Abstract painting is a new form of mindfulness exercise that promotes creativity and rest for the active mind.
Joey had his artwork hanging in artist Roni Lynn’s Art Gallery on Worth Avenue in Palm Beach, Florida. When Joey was given this honor, he shared: “Need to say that I’m so mega blown away and grateful that Roni gave me this incredible preposterous dream come true. Opportunity totally coming through on her honest word to help me get started as an artist. Have to say how proud I am to contribute to the formidable effort of getting the cause of autism to the attention of the creative and open-minded art world.”

“Red Sun” by Joey Lowenstein, February 17, 2020
yellow is the sky, green is the earth and blue is the water
Transcendental Meditation
Interview with Roberta Lowenstein
The Tortoise Will Prevail
Yitzchak Schwartz
Rabbi and Personal Spiritual & Creative Awareness Guide
Bob tells the story of Joey, a teenager on the autism spectrum, to illustrate how impactful the simplest meditation practice can be.
(8 minutes — Listen)

Visiting an art museum in St. Petersburg, FL
October 2021

“Never Ending Love”
The title of the Mother’s Day painting from Joey

Roberta and Joey meditating together.

Skyping with Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz.

Writing songs with Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz.

Roberta Lowenstein visiting the Roni Lynn D. Gallery in Palm Beach, FL.