RPM Helps Joey Lowenstein Write His First Short Story – “A TRUTH OF LIFE

RPM Helps Joey Lowenstein Write His First Short Story – “A TRUTH OF LIFE”

Like many other people with autism, Joey Lowenstein uses unique methods to tell others about the great thoughts and ideas in his head each day. Through the use of a letter board and rapid prompting method, Joey has recently written his first poem and now, his first short story. Read more about how RPM has helped Joey to communicate at the bottom of this story.
On a winter day in Florida, a girl decided that she wanted to stay home and make a complete puzzle of the papers and pictures of the people who used to live there. She went up to the attic and opened a green box that was sitting in the corner. Her mother told her never to go through things that were owned by others. The girl waited for her mom to leave.
She closed her eyes, opened the box and then opened her eyes. Inside there were three envelopes that were all the same size. The only difference is what was written on the outside of the envelope. The first one said “Dear Human. You can open this at any time.” The girl opened it slowly and carefully. There was an old picture of the house when it was painted bright blue. There was a large fence that made the house difficult to see. The other pictures were of people. It was hard to see the faces since they were far in the distance. There was also a note that said “what took you this long?” The girl watched around her and she was still alone.
She decided to look at the other envelopes. The words found on the second envelopes were “Dear Human, You can open this in the year 2000.” Knowingly it was the year 2013 and permission was granted. Inside was a string with a gold sock. There was a note on top that said “finding my pair in nature will bring good luck.” The girl ran down the stairs and into the backyard. She looked all around and couldn’t find until she began to dig into the ground. Next to the largest tree she found gold. The pair was found. She quickly cleaned up knowing her mom s arrival was upon her. The third envelope will have to be opened on another day. 
The girl would not stop thinking about the third envelope. Her mom became sick so did not leave the house for many days. She asked her mom to go and buy her french fries when the sickness was almost finished. This would be her golden time
She ran up the attic stairs faster then she had ever run before. It was cheetah like. The heart beating was as fast as the olympic winning cheetah. The green box was in the same place she left it. Before the envelope revealed itself she said out loud what she hoped was on the inside. She shouted, ” Good luck has been granted. You will soon be Florida majesty.”
The box was opened. Envelope two was on top. Beneath that was envelope one. The girl slowly peeled them away to get to the third envelope. When she read the words on the outside, the cheetah heart arrived once again. It said, ” Dear Human. You can open this in the year 2020.” What action was taken?
She sat there for a knowingly long time. part of what she wanted to do was open the envelope. She figured out that seven years was the magic waiting time. The girl was sad to have to forget about it and cheetah hearted to open it. 
The decision was a grand one. She went for the gold and quickly opened up the envelope. Her eyes became big and her mouth was open enough to see her throat. The girl read the note forwards backwards and upside down. “Congratulations on being captured. Good luck means nothing if your truthfulness is lost. ” She thew down the envelope and ran down the attic stairs. The girls mom was quietly standing and waiting. 
The lesson was taught and learned. The girl never opened what was not owned by her again.
The End.
RPM, also known as rapid prompting method, is a learning method that provides a way for people with autism to communicate through a letter board. The JL Foundation used donated funds to support the teaching of the RPM method to expand its use to as many people with autism as possible and helps to fund RPM lessons for those who cannot afford it. To make a donation to support RPM teaching, please click here