About the Joey Lowenstein Family Foundation
The Joey Lowenstein Family Foundation (JL Foundation™) seeks to empower children and families living with autism, providing them with resources to improve their quality of life through therapies and support.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1 in 59 children are identified as having an autism spectrum disorder. Joey’s hope is that through the Joey Lowenstein Family Foundation (JL Foundation™) and its focus on five areas — Athletics, Nutrition, Self-Development, Resolve, and Scientific Research, a combination we call ANSRS™ — he will be able to provide the many people who have autism with ideas, inspiration, and resources to find their own ANSRS™, so that they can fulfill their gifts and live their best lives.
Olympian Lindsey Vonn

Olympian Lindsey Vonn meeting Joey Lowenstein in Portillo, Chile
August 2012 : Joey Lowenstein age 16
Olympian Chris Klug

Joey Lowenstein snowboarding at Aspen/Snowmass, Colorado.
Olympian Chris Klug
Olympian Chris Klug with Team Joey in Aspen, Colorado
(photo used with permission)