Joey’s Insights
The Joey Lowenstein Family Foundation (JL Foundation™)
Below are select conversations Joey has had with Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz — Joey’s Rabbi and Creative Awareness Guide.
July 23, 2021 : Goals for the Second-Half of 2021
Words spelled out by Joey Lowenstein
I hope to help others who struggle with being non-verbal Autistic. We have so many special attributes…and finding the right channel to express ourselves is critical. With the new site we can foster our mission more effectively and reach the goals we set out for.

October 2021
July 04, 2021 : Independence Day, Let’s Celebrate
Words typed by Joey Lowenstein
It is amazing to see how far our country has come. Our forefathers made it possible for a free and strong nation. Let’s celebrate today all the people like my father that fought to make this country great.

“Vigorous Victory”
by Joey Lowenstein, June 2021
Painted in honor of the Merchant Marines and Joey’s father Norman
June 05, 2021 : “Improving in Areas of My Life”
Words typed by Joey Lowenstein
I’m am incredibly grateful to my mom, Dr Barton, Dr K, and the entire team in Orlando. Although I’ve been given a challenge in life, that won’t stop me from persevering. When you quit there’s nothing to look forward to. By staying active, running on the sand, communicating my emotions, and my daily meditations, I can improve in all areas of my life, and thus see the fruits of my labor.

Joey being entertained by the team while in the clinic chair
June 15, 2020 : “Growing Up to be More Aware”
Words and paragraphs spelled out by Joey Lowenstein during a recent Skype session with Rabbi Yitzchak.
I’m growing up to be more aware…realizing that I
can make the cause. I have more control over my
mind and body — and thoughts that I create are
positive enough to make me realize that
the power of positivity is real.
With this high level mindset, I know that I create my
future with lots of success! It’s safe to say I am the
definition of overcoming the odds and [that]
ANYTHING is possible!

Inspiring words by Joey L.
March 30, 2020 : “Importance of Good Friends”
With Dillion:
Joey: Need to establish the topic:
Must be how essential bros are in these strained times.
The importance of having strong, quality real friends are crucial for people to have another voice that you acknowledge no matter the topic is priceless…
To totally bring out your strong emotions and having someone with you to do bro activities is also a huge advantage for your well-being.
Just need the world to come together and fight through these tough times and stay cautious to the media.
This shall pass soon. We will make it out of this and become more thankful and grateful; in life, appreciating the little things. Living to our full potential.

Jogging at Clearwater Beach, FL
April 2021
March 23, 2020 : “Having a Great Day…So Far”
Rabbi Yitzchak saw that Joey was looking happy…and I told Yitzchak about how we were having a great day so far, so he asked Joey to tell him about his great day so far?
Joey: Need for everyone to necessarily remember to also make it part of their personal routine; To remember to have gratitude and allow themselves to be positive and appreciative of all the loving people we are blessed with during these trying times.. and make sure cancelling any unnecessary hazardous needs…like walling yourself in with loved ones that are committed to health first and foremost.
Yitzchak: Last thoughts?
Joey: Joey greatly and eloquently wishes you and your loved ones and family continued health and happiness.

Playing basketball and making buckets!
March 22, 2020 : “Wisely Proceeding in Life These Days”
Yitzchak: How are you?
Joey: I am doing pretty good with all the chaos going on. I know if I have self control over my mind — I will win. I am dealing with today and will certainly stay on my path to endless possibilities to create the best version of Joey Lowenstein.
Yitzchak: Let’s speak about some other ways to proceed in life wisely. Any ideas?
Joey: Yes. Stick to your goals…stay motivated and consistent to what you’re good at…trust that there is a plan that is already set for your life. Also, stay organized…listen to the media and act accordingly. This will pass eventually. The good thing about this epidemic is that it brings us all closer to one another — appreciating the little things in life and not taking everything for granted.

Relaxing on a Florida beach pier.