JL Foundation Participates In, Sponsor Global Autism Awareness Webinar with David Lynch Foundation
Along with the David Lynch Foundation and the Center for Autism Assessment and Treatment, the JL Foundation co-sponsored a Global Webinar on Autism, Meditation and Stress in Washington DC on November 14, 2013.  Click here to see the webinar replay now!

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Rita Cosby
Television news anchor and correspondent, radio host, and best selling author, who is currently a special correspondent for the CBS syndicated program Inside Edition.


David Black, Ph.D.
Pediatric neuropsychologist, scientist, and director of the Center for Autism Assessment and Treatment in Silver Spring, Maryland, whose research has focused on the best outcomes among children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.

Sarina Grosswald, Ed.D.
George Washington University-trained expert in cognitive learning and president of SJ Grosswald and Associates, a consulting firm in medical education in Arlington, Virginia, with a focus on improving stress-related learning disorders.

Roberta Lowenstein
Chair and Trustee, Joey Lowenstein Foundation (JLF); mother of Joey Lowenstein, the 16-year-old young man with ASD who has been practicing Transcendental Meditation for two years and who inspired the launch of the JLF (joeylowensteinfoundation.org).

Norman Rosenthal, M.D.
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Georgetown University School of Medicine, psychiatrist, medical researcher, and best-selling author of Transcendence & The Gift of Adversity.

William Stixrud, Ph.D.
Clinical neuropsychologist; Adjunct Faculty, Children’s National Medical Center; Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Behavioral Sciences, and Pediatrics, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences.


• Joey Lowenstein Foundation
• David Lynch Foundation
• Center for Autism Assessment and Treatment
