JL Foundation Featured in Parents Magazine
Meditation as a Potential Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder

JL Foundation is honored to have been included in a recent article in Parents Magazine discussing the mission of JL Foundation and its recent global webinar on Autism, Meditation and Stress.

Here is a digest . . .
TM-photo-337x224According to the CDC, 1 in 88 people have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The prevalence has increased ten-fold over the last 40 years. There is no cure, but there seem to be as many treatments as there are manifestations of symptoms of the disorder. On November 14, the David Lynch Foundation and Joey Lowenstein Foundation co-sponsored a webinar called “Autism, Meditation, and Stress” to discuss transcendental mediation as a potential treatment for those affected by ASD—one that is non-invasive, non-medical, and works to help those with ASD as well as their families.

Transcendental meditation is the name of this treatment—truly a practice or technique to quiet the mind. While transcendental meditation itself is not new, the initiative to bring the practice to those on the spectrum has taken off in the past couple of years. A panel of experts in the fields of autism, psychiatry, and neuropsychology, gathered to vouch for the merits of meditation for this particular population.

Read the article here  . . .

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