Joey Lowenstein Accepts J. Luce Foundation Young Leadership Award
The annual James Jay Dudley Luce Young Global Leadership Awards are given to young leaders working to better humanity who embody the characteristics of honor, intelligence, benevolence and integrity. Last year we celebrated the leadership of Isaac Kassin and Chris Rim and today we salute the vision of Jesse Pollans and Joey Lowenstein – each an exceptionally strong and committed individual – now united with the J. Luce Foundation team.

Last year, New York City Council issued Proclamations in support of the young leaders. This year, New York State Comptroller Thomas di Napoli took an active interest in the Awardees and issued Proclamations for both Jesse Pollans and Joey Lowenstein, specifically noting Joey’s ability to overcome many challenges to be able to help others with autism discover and share their own gifts. As one of the Comptroller’s staffers noted at the event, “After having the opportunity to get to know your awardees, I can say our future is looking bright!”  See the Comptroller’s Proclamation About Joey Here (click).

DSC_291-Alfred Gryszkiewicz of the N.Y.S. Comptroller Tom DiNapoli's Office, Matthew Kennedy, Joey Lowenstein DSC_301--Jim Luce, Matthew Kennedy, Joey Lowenstein, Roberta Lowenstein DSC_302-Alfred Gryszkiewicz, Jim Luce, Matthew Kennedy, Joey Lowenstein, Roberta Lowenstein DSC_307-Alfred Gryszkiewicz of the N.Y.S. Comptroller Tom DiNapoli's Office, Jim Luce, Matthew Kennedy, Joey Lowenstein, Roberta Lowenstein DSC_404-Matthew Kennedy, Joey Lowenstein, Roberta Lowenstein DSC_409-____, Joey Lowenstein, Roberta Lowenstein DSC_410-______, Joey Lowenstein, Roberta Lowenstein DSC_411-Ginie Breen, Joey Lowenstein, Roberta Lowenstein DSC_434-Bridget Henn, Andraya Guttzeit, Joey Lowenstein, Ashley Eisenstadt DSC_442--Joey Lowenstein, ______, Roberta Lowenstein DSC_442-Joey Lowenstein DSC_443--Bridget Henn, Andraya Guttzeit, Joey Lowenstein, Ashley Eisenstadt DSC_450-Matthew Kennedy, Joey Lowenstein DSC_451-Matthew Kennedy, Joey Lowenstein, Richard Peterson, ___, Roberta Lowenstein DSC_473-Matthew Kennedy, Joey Lowenstein, Richard Peterson, ___, Roberta Lowenstein