Joey’s Writings

Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz and Joey Lowenstein have weekly poetry/writing sessions via Skype. Joey decides the topic and the poem’s title. Joey then writes the first few lines followed by the Rabbi; they alternate until the poem is completed. In the Skype Writing Sessions Joey has to spell out each word on a keyboard, which Joey’s aide is holding. Joey is not verbalizing these writings except an occasional word after he spells it.

A Fiery Escape into the Wilderness (February 10, 2025)

A Fiery Escape into the Wilderness — “This painting puts me back into the time that a fire was made in the park.  When I was there, I felt so safe in nature as the fire was a barrier to the outside world.  Being in nature is my escape into the quietness of what is.  The gift that nature gives us is the time to be still.”

“A Fiery Escape into the Wilderness” by Joey Lowenstein
February 10, 2025

Emerald Crystals Dancing on the Sun Rays (January 16, 2025)

Emerald Crystals Dancing on the Sun Rays — “This painting depicts the colors bouncing off the sun when looking at the horizon, the atmosphere with the clouds and the sky becomes a mirror of the colors Mother Nature emits to our eyes.  The greens with the vibrant bright colors of the sun has the colors dancing like a spinning rainbow.”

“Emerald Crystals Dancing on the Sun Rays” by Joey Lowenstein
January 16, 2025

Becoming Water Dripping Down a Crystal Cave (December 31, 2024)

Becoming Water Dripping Down a Crystal Cave — “This painting depicts the feeling of slowly dissolving and transforming like water into something greater.   At times we most evolve to truly bloom into the flower we were meant to be.   The water dripping in the stillness shows that even in the darkness, you can still make water into a crystal, internally driving you to your purpose of being.”

“Becoming Water Dripping Down a Crystal Cave” by Joey Lowenstein
December 31, 2024

Unity of Light, A Celebration of Faith (December 25, 2024)

My painting “Unity of Light, A Celebration of Faith” captures the spirit of two cherished holidays that converge on a single day, Hanukkah and Christmas. The paintings backdrop is a rich, black canvas symbolizing the night sky. Together these colors create a dynamic atmosphere of light and shadow, symbolizing how different faiths and cultures can come together to celebrate love, hope, and community. Unity in light serves as a reminder that, despite our differences, we can find common ground in our shared values, and the light that guides us all.

“Unity of Light, A Celebration of Faith” by Joey Lowenstein
December 25, 2024

Mystic Forest (December 4, 2024)

Mystic Forest — “The Mystic Forest is more than just a painting.  It is a heartfelt tribute to the wonders of nature and the deep connection I share with the natural world.  From a young age I always found solace in the great outdoors, the whisper of the wind and the gentle flow of nearby streams have always filled me with a sense of wonder.  I hope others can feel the heartbeat of the forest and be reminded of the tranquility it offers as well as the profound love that binds us all to the Earth.

“Mystic Forest” by Joey Lowenstein
December 4, 2024

Unspoken Dreams Touches Beyond The Surface (September 25, 2024)

When Joey was asked what his thought process was for his painting “Unspoken Dreams Touches Beyond The Surface”, he replied:

This painting, Unspoken Dreams Touches Beyond The Surface, depicts how people have many dreams, but many do not bring it to life. The hues of red was my way of finger painting and showing how my dreams are spoken through my fingers into a keyboard. On the surface I say very little words, but beyond the surface I manifest my art into a vessel that travels the test of time.

“Unspoken Dreams Touches Beyond The Surface”
a diptych by Joey Lowenstein, September 25, 2024

Kaleidoscopic Realm of Vibrancy (July 22, 2024)

Kaleidoscopic Realm of Vibrancy — “The colors on this painting merge together like a kaleidoscope.  The true meaning of this painting signifies the vibrant hues each person emits like an electric force field connecting each other to our true beings.  All colors have their own beauty just like each human being.”

“Kaleidoscopic Realm of Vibrancy”
by Joey Lowenstein, July 22, 2024

A Majestic Smoothie Showing Its True Beauty (June 19, 2024)

When Joey was asked what his thought process was for his painting “A Majestic Smoothie Showing Its True Beauty”, he replied:

In this painting I was captivated by the swirling colors in my smoothie.  The deep reds of strawberries and the pinks and the purples of the blueberries.  As I poured the turquoise and blue on the canvas, I thought of my canvas being my blender.  I mixed all these colors to capture how beautifully letting go of the colors showed its expression on its own.  This painting is a snapshot of the morning.  It’s a celebration of how even the simplest, everyday moments can reveal something truly beautiful when you take the time to see it

“A Majestic Smoothie Showing Its True Beauty” by Joey Lowenstein
June 19, 2024

Sunset Serenity (June 13, 2024)

Sunset Serenity — “This painting depicts the subtle beauty of a sunset and how it radiates a sense of clam around the world.  The sun sets on the day, but the meaning is much deeper.  It also shows that although the day has ended, a whole new day will begin shortly, and for that I am grateful for those moments.”

“Sunset Serenity” by Joey Lowenstein
June 13, 2024

Infinite Pallets of an Unspoken Spirit (May 28, 2024)

When Joey was asked what his thought process was for his painting “Infinite Pallets of an Unspoken Spirit”, he replied:

In “Infinite Pallets of an Unspoken Spirit”, metallic shades shimmer alongside deep blues, while earthy browns and greens blend seamlessly with soft tans and playful pinks. The colors flow and merge, creating a dynamic and ever evolving landscape that evokes a sense of boundless possibility and endless exploration. This masterpiece celebrates the beauty of diversity and the limitless potential of creative expression speaking the words for the unspoken.

“Infinite Pallets of an Unspoken Spirit” by Joey Lowenstein
May 28, 2024

Heart of Gold (May 23, 2024)

When Joey was asked what his thought process was for his painting “Heart of Gold”, he replied:

A “Heart of Gold,” a triptych, perfectly depicts the pure love and support that my mother constantly shows me. Her caring nature and endless support have been the foundation of strength in my life. She has always been my ultimate cheerleader and number one supporter. Happy birthday to my amazing mother.

“Heart of Gold” by Joey Lowenstein
May 23, 2024

Transcending the Illusion a Vision Can Speak (May 22, 2024)

Transcending the Illusion a Vision Can Speak — “This painting profoundly captures my experience as a person with autism.  The dynamic blues, ranging from deep turquoise, mirror the vast, intricate landscape of my inner world, where tranquility and turmoil coexist.  The red splashes convey the intense emotions I often find difficult to articulate.  This painting and my many other ones become my voice, transcending verbal limitations and revealing profound depths of my experiences and feelings, allowing my true self to be seen and understood.”

“Transcending the Illusion a Vision Can Speak” by Joey Lowenstein
May 22, 2024

Shades of Glimmering Gold Glistening in My Mind (May 20, 2024)

When Joey was asked what his thought process was for his painting “Shades of Glimmering Gold Glistening in My Mind”, he replied:

Shades of Glimmering Gold Glistening in My Mind, a triptych, depicts my vision to the enchanting dreams that fill my nights with wonder. It is inspired by my vivid thoughts of a golden landscape. I translated that vision onto black and white canvases. The backdrop serves to amplify the vibrant hues of gold and brown that swirl and shimmer across the scene capturing the essence of those luminous moments that fill my heart with pure joy and wonder.”

“Summer Flag” by Joey Lowenstein
April 28, 2023

Mysterious Depths of the Whispering Sky (May 14, 2024)

When Joey was asked what his thought process was for his painting “Mysterious Depths of the Whispering Sky’s Vibrant Spectrum”, he replied:

“Mysterious Depths of the Whispering Sky’s Vibrant Spectrum — This painting is my creation, a mesmerizing painting born from my fascination with colors and the mysteries of the universe. As someone on the autism spectrum, I see the world in a unique way where every hue and shade tell a story. Through my art, I communicate the depths of my connection to the colors, inviting you to explore your own emotions and experiences. The title reflects my journey of navigating through a world of whispers and vibrant sensations.”

“Mysterious Depths of the Whispering Sky’s Vibrant Spectrum” by Joey Lowenstein
May 14, 2024

Summer Flag (April 28, 2023)

When Joey was asked what his thought process was for his painting “Summer Flag”, he replied:

Summer Flag, a triptych, is my interpretation of what I think Memorial Day is like in Florida. It is how I perceive the American flag after being hit by the Atlantic breeze. The sunshine state showers with beauty and simple tones. I feel the summer coming in and wanted to show the strong affinity and pride I have for my country and its primary symbol. It is an abstract hence the lack of stars and only stripes as I wanted to add my own spin on the flag.”

“Summer Flag” by Joey Lowenstein
April 28, 2023

Practice Makes Progress (April 16, 2023)

Practice makes progress
Day after day
Way after way
So I keep trying
For it is in the effort
That change begins
It is in the losses where we learn how to win
It is in the pain where we learn how to grin
And take every last bit right on in
Each day I strive to feel and drive
Myself to exertion
Ultimate bliss and get better with time
Fulfill every wish to be the best I can ever become
And pass every test I pass along
The very way
The very path
I walk along

Joey Lowenstein
January 12, 2023

Mystical Matrix (February 27, 2023)

When Joey was asked what his thought process was for his painting “Mystical Matrix”, he replied:

“For Mystical Matrix I chose the black canvas with the neon colors to convey a beautiful mystical matrix that exemplifies the wondrous world we live in. Each day, although we may not realize it we are living in a matrix full of constant coincidences and beautiful magic. I can sense this inside my body which indicates the colors and beauty our Creator has provided us. The mystical Matrix is something I hope to live within, understand, engage and express throughout the rest of my years.”

“Mystical Matrix”
by Joey Lowenstein
February 27, 2023

Mirage of The Mind (February 02, 2023)

When Joey was asked what his thought process was for his painting “Mirage of the Mind”, he replied:

“My mind is like waves of energy that flow through me during times of exercise, meditation, and relaxation. In this state I am able to capture my true essence and cultivate a sense of peace. My feelings are a combination of stimulation and peace and strength.”

“Mirage of the Mind”
by Joey Lowenstein
February 02, 2023

Painted Illusions (January 20, 2023)

When Joey was asked what his thought process was for his painting “Painted illusions”, he replied:

“Painted Illusions are paintings of my mind. All the colors add up in sorts of rainbow bliss. It’s wonderful to look at and stirs up feelings of elation while reminding me the infinite magic of each color tone inside me which holds the freedom to express my many different moods at any given time.”

“Painted Illusions”
by Joey Lowenstein
January 20, 2023

A Positivity and Love of Life (January 3, 2023)

From Sami Steigmann, Holocaust Survivor:

Roberta Lowenstein sent me a copy of Joey’s book Living Through My Eyes, Volume 1.

Joey is a 26 year-old living with autism. He uses his computer to communicate his feelings through poems, paintings (including painting descriptions), poem and painting titles. Joey loves snowboarding, running, and the outdoors.

Joey’s book spoke to me (one of the youngest Holocaust survivors subjected to medical experiments). Joey is an exceptional and truly inspirational person, especially for people with disabilities. Additionally, he personifies my favorite saying “Never give up. never lose hope” and my life’s motto “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to be”. What impressed me the most, is Joey’s positivity and love of life. Check out his website:

You can download a PDF of the book here:
Living Through My Eyes, Volume 1 (PDF 8MB)

Sami Steigmann, Holocaust Survivor

Beauty Lies Within Your Soul, Part 2 (January 03, 2023)

Rabbi: Joey, yesterday you chose the title “Beauty Lies Within Your Soul” and we were able to really take off with some really beautiful poetic gratitudes. Would you like to have a Part Two?

Joey: Yes, let’s continue.

Joey: Beauty Lies Within Your Soul — Make it personal, but don’t take it personal. The sweet thing of beauty, the horizon teases each day after the last. The sand runs through the hourglass. There is pure beauty at last.

Rabbi: Beauty Lies Within Your Soul — If we can begin to touch what the soul touches, in its soulful way. If we can fathom the depth of the way the soul person speaks. If we can leave behind all our limitations and allow our soul to speak its true mind, who knows what wonders we can find.

Joey: Beauty Lies Within Your Soul — Lifted from the silent night is the fright you once stood frozen in and still at last, you look deep within and find the appear beauty within the soul.

Rabbi: Beauty Lies Within Your Soul — Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. The soul holds beauty in the palms of its hands. The land is alive with the beauty of the soul, and everywhere you go, you can watch this unfold.

Joey: Beauty Lies Within Your Soul — Still the meaning and magic is the pursuit of it all. Aiming your arrow, embracing the fall. True beauty lies within us all.

Rabbi: Beauty Lies Within Your Soul — The soul knows who we are, this knowing grows by leaps and bound. It speaks to us in silent shouts and it informs us of what we are truly all about.

Joey: Beauty Lies Within Your Soul — Inevitable bliss, honeymoon days don’t ever last. The meaning found at last struck by emotion, the awakened charm leads us all to the depths of our soul where beauty beholds.

“Angel of Desire”
by Joey Lowenstein
December 01, 2022

Thankful for What I’ve Got (December 26, 2022)

Joey:  Thankful for What I’ve Got — Stars align minutes unwind, time takes time. Still everything is just fine. Life is great with gratitude on the plate to serve and to be served.

Rabbi:  Thankful for What I’ve Got — Perhaps the best way to relate to all that I am given, is to realize that the purpose of living is to know that nothing is understood until you understand that the essence of all that you have ever sought is to be thankful for what you’ve got.

Joey:  Thankful for What I’ve Got — I am thankful for those who have shown me the meaning of love. A verb, in action that creates satisfaction in the deeper parts of our soul and pushes us to grow.

Rabbi:  Thankful for What I’ve Got — Excitements and inspiration, draws my young poetic partner’s sensation into previously unrealized articulations and the secret drive of his inner intonations can be found in his commitment to never stop being thankful for all he’s got.

Joey:  Thankful for What I’ve Got — While nobody knows where the golden road will take them, if you have a love by your side, it all becomes a joyous vacation. Life, love, and appreciation.

Rabbi:  Thankful for What I’ve Got — Time flies when you’re having a good time. Lovers side when they lose the ability to spend one more day or night with the loves of their life. So don’t ever compromise this love, it doesn’t always fall from the skies. But one thing that you should never give up is to be thankful for what you’ve got.

Joey:  Thankful for What I’ve Got — Curious and creative questions paint a picture and point me in the direction with love on your side. You never have to question, ’cause the answer is right there, to bond and bind with one another. Love is the way.

Rabbi:  Joey, that was beautiful! Thank you. A lot of holiday spirit in that poem. All the best to you, great to see you all.

“Angel of Desire”
by Joey Lowenstein
December 01, 2022

Thankful for What I’ve Got (December 26, 2022)

Rabbi:  Let’s bask in your poetic spirit, what would you like to create?

Joey:  Don’t Ever Compromise This Love For Yourself — For the one who makes you feel better than anything else, the only
thing real, ’cause it is worth being true if it makes you both better; if it makes you both grow to live for today, and yearn for forever.

Rabbi:  Don’t Ever Compromise This Love For Yourself — Love is the universal recipe. Love is the secret key to expressing the essence of who you want to be, without needing to prove your worth to anybody. Love will allow you to realize all that you need to be.

Joey:  Don’t Ever Compromise This Love For Yourself — Don’t ever close your eyes to the light that is inside, and if it dims, don’t worry nor hide. It’s a shadow of doubt which you must know, it is there to help you learn and grow, and just like snow, it melts away and a new day awaits.

Rabbi:  Don’t Ever Compromise This Love For Yourself — Everybody knows that inside of a loving smile it hides a million secrets that have been waiting for quite awhile, to show you how very special you are to me, and to you, and to everyone who sees your smile.

Joey:  Don’t Ever Compromise This Love For Yourself — And this too shall pass for a brighter day. The golden road is the only way to love another like yourself, and love yourself more than anything else.

“Lifelong Brotherhood”
by Joey Lowenstein
December 10, 2022

Living Through My Eyes (November 12, 2022)

We recently compiled a collection of Joey’s writings and paintings into a book. Here is Joey’s check-in on seeing his first book: “I am really excited about the publishing of my book and my goal is to lift those up from adversity, and strengthen those in need of extra support. I am motivated by so many and can only hope to join the elite few, and pave the way by motivating others to follow in our footsteps.”

You can download a PDF of the book here:
Living Through My Eyes, Volume 1 (PDF 8MB)

Living Through My Eyes, Volume 1
by Joey Lowenstein
October 2021 – January 2022

Reaching to Space Through the Telescope of My Imagination
(September 10, 2022)

By Joey Lowenstein

When Joey was asked what his thought process was for his painting Reaching to Space Through the Telescope of My Imagination, he replied:

“I live in a world full of curiosity. My imagination runs wild and takes me to places I would have never gone if I hadn’t suspended judgment. My imagination is endless. I can see the universe through my inner imagination. My thought process is a rocket ship which takes me to different channels and planets outside of the day to day. I look forward to adding more fuel to my rocket so that I can blast off into new dimensions one day.”

“Reaching to Space Through the Telescope of My Imagination”
by Joey Lowenstein
February 25, 2020

A Passionate Loves Unity (September 04, 2022)

By Joey Lowenstein

Some backstory on the painting A Passionate Loves Unity — “Passion derives pleasure from connection. We are passionate about many things in life, yet it almost involves connecting our spirit with another force that collides to bring out the most synergistic effects of delight and emotion. We dance, sing, and express ourselves with passion while embracing the alliance of the souls who come together because of a shared interest.”

“A Passionate Loves Unity”
by Joey Lowenstein
October 27, 2021

A Journey Begins With One Step Forward (September 04, 2022)

Rabbi: Joey it is great to see you. Looking like a superstar. Any opening words? Any opening words you would like to share before we start?

Joey: Yes. Another day we are blessed with each other’s presence. I always look forward to our time together making harmonizing poetry.

Rabbi: Beautiful. Well, I want you to know that I do too; I look forward to our time and I especially delight in the way you express your poetic ideas. It is never a dull moment so it is always surprising, involved, and I feel like you are growing all the time; You are exploring all new avenues of poetry. You know poetry goes on forever, it’s as wide as a human imagination. There is no end to it. With that in mind, what would you like to call today’s poem?

Joey: “A Journey Begins With One Step Forward”

Rabbi: That is a beautiful idea. I like that a lot, very poetic. It opens up all possibilities. How would you like to continue that line?

Joey: A Journey Begins With One Step Forward, and never looking back to always be a shoulder to lean on with arms wide open and fears listening more than speaking to each soul, that’s why we have two ears and one mouth you need to hear it through your ears before speaking it out loud.

Rabbi: A Journey Begins With One Step Forward — You must learn how to navigate, like the great sailors of old on the sea of the imagination, each step forward it’s a whole new sensation, so be patient my friend, the journey itself will lead us to our destination.

Joey: A Journey Begins With One Step Forward — Looking for new adventures to see and explore, in life you have to strive for more, our souls will want to stay its path, the path of God is always grand, but just know the walk is hard like walking on sand.

Rabbi: A Journey Begins With One Step Forward — He first ascends into the silence and he hears their ideas that at first he can never speak out loud, until he becomes awakened to the journey of every person and then words find a way from his mouth into our lives.

Joey: A Journey Begins With One Step Forward — With your head held high, they say the skies the limit, but I’m the sky, the clouds are my vision and dreams, the sun is my heart warm as can be, the stars are my cells reproducing the spirit within, and the moon is where I land and a new story begins.

Rabbi: A Journey Begins With One Step Forward — Walk your walk, and talk your talk and take a look around, see the endless sky and hear the pristine sounds, and then listen to your own voice, pronouncing such wonderful sounds, whether anyone is around or not.

Joey: A Journey Begins With One Step Forward — Your journey is yours only, so do not feel lonely, as you evolve one thing stays the same, the trajectory of your path will always turn a page, life goes on so cherish the time, take life in control, this journey is mine, now go shine brighter than any star in the sky.

Wings That Take You Higher (August 20, 2022)

By Joey Lowenstein

Looking down below, I wonder what I’ll see.
I wonder who would know if life is but a dream.
I’ll stay up in the sky, flying with my angels.
The only way to fly because everything is sweet
when you live peacefully in the now.
I’ve tried my best to make my mother proud.
The angels always lead and guide me towards the light
and set me on a path whenever I take flight.
So flying with these angels, I do right from my heart
and love with happiness until the end right from the start.

“Wings That Take You Higher”
by Joey Lowenstein
August 20, 2022

Fire on the Hill (August 08, 2022)

By Joey Lowenstein

This painting (Fire on the Hill) represents the burning desire one feels when they are at the steep of an accomplishment. They can see all the doubt below and still see an abundance of courage and determination about the future. You have to harness the strength to push forward and it takes a fiery passion to motivate the spirit to succeed.

“Fire on the Hill”
by Joey Lowenstein
November 29, 2020

A Rose That Glows (August 05, 2022)

When Joey was asked what his thought process was for painting A Rose That Glows, he replied: “With a squint of an eye, you see a glowing thorn rose garden filled with everlasting beauty and love. I truly loved the process for this one.”

“A Rose That Glows”
by Joey Lowenstein
August 5, 2022

Never Settle For Less (July 24, 2022)

Joey: Never Settle For Less — Reach for the stars, any dream you have is not so far. Remember to follow your gut and to always remember to never give up, just look up.

Rabbi: Never Settle For Less — Sensor into the vastness of space and time and I am sure you will find that your life will be full of pleasant surprises in all things.

Joey: Never Settle For Less — Trust your journey to know this isn’t a race it’s an earning to get what you want, even when it looks blurry; life’s a story with lots of glory.

Rabbi: Never Settle For Less — Your beauty is on display for all to behold and your fearlessness is a profound lesson for both young and old.

Joey: Never Settle For Less — So always keep your head in the game and if you lose, your the one to blame, so just pray.

Friendly Skies (July 20, 2022)

By Joey Lowenstein

My painting “Friendly Skies” (painted on October 20, 2021) depicts the way opportunity opens once the storm clears.

Sometimes it can seem that the storm will last a long and dreadful time, while however, once the storm clears the warmth generated by the peeking sun brings a new light to our current situation.

Life has many ups and downs.

It’s important to learn from experience…and no matter the obstacle, one can overcome it.

When your light shines your reflection will be even brighter.

“Friendly Skies”
by Joey Lowenstein
October 20, 2021

Volcanic Eruption with Earth Calling My Name (July 10, 2022)

Joey: Volcanic Eruption with Earth Calling My Name — Feeling the rumble in my soul gazing at the sky to see what it beholds. I fear nothing but God. Every story is told I’m like a lion you can hear me roar through your soul.

Rabbi: Volcanic Eruption with Earth Calling My Name — Every new poem we create it emanates from deep within our souls and it shows us where to go and it bursts us everywhere you go and it’s always calling out our name.

Joey: Volcanic Eruption with Earth Calling My Name — As the hot magma touches Earth, a new land is formed. To think, the land is gone. But it was just reborn to fall seven times getting up eight. You have to realize that our story was already made.

Rabbi: Volcanic Eruption with Earth Calling My Name — The irresistible urge to unleash the hidden well springs the fire has been hidden for so long but is now showing its true face. But it is now very clear and it is now very strong.

Joey: Volcanic Eruption with Earth Calling My Name — Seasons change just like land does. Sometimes change is needed like a breath of fresh air. You have to find the beauty in all aspects of change to see a volcanic eruption is just a way of Earth changing a new lane. Now let that thought build in your brain.

by Joey Lowenstein
July 4, 2022

The River of Acceptance (July 06, 2022)

Joey: The River of Acceptance — I accept today for tomorrow can not bring today and what the future has in store for me and in store for you. I feel within and shine throughout to live and accept without a shadow of doubt.

Rabbi: The River of Acceptance — I totally accept your holy words. And the day will come when the mind will see and the deaf will here and the earth will be full of the knowing of the lord as the waters covers the sea.

Joey: The River of Acceptance — To transcend the traps of fear and stress and release the power I manifest to love what you do is to love who you are and I try my best to share my heart and to give to those who given to me and live together in harmony.

Rabbi: The River of Acceptance — Soak in the warm water in your safe sanctuary and then dare to venture out and unleash the well springs of your love inside and share all that you have with the loved ones of your life.

Landmine of Dreams (July 3, 2022)

Joey: I’m feeling truly creative and inspired today. I always enjoy the space we share. How are you?

Rabbi: I’m doing really good Joey. I’m really happy to be here with you today. I’m also feeling creative and i’m inspired that you are inspired. Let’s turn it into a big bonfire that reaches all the way into the sky. What do you think about that?

Joey: Let’s make magic.

Rabbi: What would you like to call this power Joey?

Joey: Landmine of Dreams.

Rabbi: I see a lot of good directions Joey. How would you like to continue that sentence?

Joey: Landmine of Dreams — An explosion of the dreams that never was chased. Casualty of negative thoughts that swept your dreams away, everyday is a new day to seize the day. This explosion doesn’t cause pain, but a dream not taken can take your breath away.

Rabbi: Landmine of Dreams — Intensity screams out his name on the streets and in the rooftops and in the eyes of all those he sees in passing, embarrassed glances. Some of them know him, but they must look away, because this fine young man, he wants the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Joey: Landmine of Dreams — So take a moment and watch your step. You do not want to step on the wrong dream or there will be nothing left but the forbidden truth of things you didn’t do and you will know this is true, through a view so new.

Rabbi: Landmine of Dreams — He wants the truth. He wants your heart. He won’t settle for anything less. He wants the soul of the matter, even when everyone else is content with the outer trappings. Speak to him from a place of timelessness. Speak to him from a place of effortlessness. Speak to him with passion. Speak to him from your truth, speak to him with intensity, he won’t, he can’t, settle for anything less!

Joey: Landmine of Dreams — So remember to follow your path with intention to find your true purpose in life. A landmine just takes one explosion and then you’re out of sight. So fight with all your might, that dream is brighter than any light.

White Wonderwall (June 23, 2022)

By Joey Lowenstein

Yes. It’s a wall of sorts that holds us from touching our inner truth. I strive and search each day by way with my inner voice and through the keyboard. We all have untapped potential laying dormant behind the “White Wonderwall”. Inside illuminates visions and perceptions of our highest self.

“White Wonderwall”
by Joey Lowenstein
June 23, 2022

Green Valley of Hope (June 23, 2022)

By Joey Lowenstein

“The Green Valley of Hope” symbolizes a bright future. Grass is greener on the other side in the moment. But in fact, greener when were hopeful and look ahead. Sometimes we may be stuck in the mud. But even mud turns to grass once the sun dries it and seasons change. Green embodies serenity, life, and new beginnings. I firmly believe in the notion it’s greater later.

“Green Valley of Hope”
by Joey Lowenstein
June 23, 2022

So Hold on to Me the Path is Here (June 20, 2022)

Joey : So Hold on to Me the Path is Here — Hold on to us the light is near the good we’ve done. We manage to succeed and overcome.

Rabbi : So Hold on to Me the Path is Here — The path of life is unknown we don’t know where God is taking us, but when we hold on to each other we will discover where to go.

Joey : So Hold on to Me the Path is Here — Hold on to us. Don’t you give up. The darkest of nights cannot disrupt the brightness that shines inside of you and your strongest traits; a giver, a lover, a friend, indeed and always there when ones in need.

Rabbi : So Hold on to Me the Path is Here — You are one path and I am another but together we are united path and we are as one person with one path until the end. And that path will stay united through the thick and thin.

Joey : So Hold on to Me the Path is Here — Hold on to us. Hold on real tight for a brand new day comes after a night and your worries will fade away; hold on tomorrow, just let go of yesterday.

Rabbi : So Hold on to Me the Path is Here — When we are one person with one heart we can see the end right from the start and all we have to do is to follow through and inertia will pull us through.

Joey : So Hold on to Me the Path is Here — So grasp on real tight; never loose sight. Continue to reach new highs and turn your worries into prayer and follow your dreams throughout the years.

Blessings, Joey and Rabbi Yitzchak

“Every Daisy That Blooms has a Story”
by Joey Lowenstein
June 9, 2022

The Road of Life (June 13, 2022)

Joey : The Road of Life — Through valley and storms, and sunshine that pours through happiness and joy, tears that drop full of magic and song, beating on a mystical clock, on a mountain top.

Rabbi : The Road of Life — He focuses on the sacred text of his life, to be read and acted upon every day and night, the road goes on forever and he’ll never stop shining his sacred light.

Joey : The Road of Life — I am inspired each day by the ones I meet who struggle and thrive to overcome defeat, and to tackle their pain with passion and pride, to live to the fullest, so to know they tried to squeeze all the juices from the fruits of life, and taste redemption atop the mountain of strife.

Rabbi : The Road of Life — He is a master healer, and he constantly recreates his life, in ways that constantly provide new hope and new life to all those who are in need, even when there doesn’t seem to be any.

Joey : The Road of Life — I’m a champion at heart, still a sensitive soul who wants to help all regain control of the wheel they hold on this long windy road through life and love our stories untold.

Blessings, Joey and Rabbi Yitzchak

by Joey Lowenstein
June 7, 2022

Love That Costs Nothing More Than My Heart (May 12, 2022)

Joey : Love that costs nothing more than my heart, but to start, I must embark, on my love for you is shinier than any jewel I can buy and I’ll tell you why, my love reaches farther than any star in the sky.

Rabbi : Love that costs nothing more than my heart, The love that is available to us all this very minute is endless and priceless, is achievable and accessible, in exchange for the nominal price of an open heart.

Joey : Love that costs nothing more than my heart, the heart I wear on my sleeve, I give to you to inside of me a beautiful view, of something so innocent it looks brand new.

Rabbi : Love that costs nothing more than my heart, seeing your shining light, lighting up the hearts of all who see, allows us all to shine our own hearts, for everyone we come across.

Joey : Love that costs nothing more than my heart, so handle my heart with care, for my love can only bear to someone who truly cares as I stare up above, now I know true love.

Joey : Love that costs nothing more than my heart, for at the heart of time, love one for another to build with each other to live happily ever after. Love isn’t for sale but can leave you in a fairytale.

Rabbi : Love that costs nothing more than my heart, the hearts knows in ways that even the brain doesn’t know. And this heart wisdom reaches deeper than any person can ever know.

Blessings, Joey and Rabbi Yitzchak

“Jungle of Desire”
by Joey Lowenstein
May 12, 2022

Seasons of the Heart (April 28, 2022)

By Joey Lowenstein

The spring of my heart
The summer of my mind
The fall of my doubt
Leaves the winter behind

Seasons change
And with it, we grow
To know and to learn peace
Is the path I aim to be on

To inspire others to sing their own song
And dance in the spring
And smile in the snow
And let everything fall right in place
Under life’s rainbow

“Bouquet of Loving Flowers for the World to Have”
by Joey Lowenstein
April 28, 2022

Color Rush (April 21, 2022)

By Joey Lowenstein

The rush of color
like a river wild
from my finger tips.

The innocence of a child
to express my life in a vivid way
and capture the beauty every day.

On the faces of those I come across
from the streets and sand I run across
I aim to be free like my art
speak from my soul
right from my heart.

“Color Rush”
by Joey Lowenstein
April 21, 2022

A Mindset Without The Word Impossible (April 3, 2022)

By Joey Lowenstein
Note: This is Joey’s second poem thought of, and written, all on his own.

A limitless mind has no barriers,
the mind is a powerful thing.

All my life I had limits until I broke free,
the skies the limit.

Believe in yourself and then you will see,
that the view is better on the other side of the tree.

I was once voiceless without a door to run to,
and now my voice is seen and heard through a scenic view.

On Little Nell chair lift with Nate Bouchard
Aspen Mountain
March 2022

Sweet Smell of Lavender (April 2022)

By Joey Lowenstein
Note: This is Joey’s first poem thought of, and written, all on his own.

The sweet smell of lavender flowing through my nose,
I love the smell of you as far as a rainbow goes.

As the waves of blue and purple goes through the skies,
I picture a peaceful canvas one done by I.

Making its way through my brain as I close my eyes,
I see a sunset so divine,
I can see the future brighter than the stars on the sky.

“Waves of a Rush of Lavender”
by Joey Lowenstein
March 3, 2022

The Cooler Side of the Sun (March 2022)

First time writing poetry from Aspen, Colorado.

Tomaczek (Friend): Joey it was beautiful to see you out there on the mountain buddy. You got a beautiful smile on your face buddy.

Rabbi: What would you like to call this poem Joey?

Joey: The cooler side of the sun.

Rabbi: I like that; great title. Okay, how would you like to fill out that line Joe?

Joey: I aim to be free from fear high up in this atmosphere, snowboarding down the mountain top, the winter sky becomes my clock.

Rabbi: The cooler side of the sun — I can see that white wonderland. Looks so, so beautiful behind you. Please do me a favor, fly down those mountains, just like you were always meant to.

Joey: The cooler side of the sun — The early emeralds mist becomes my morning bliss. All I need are for those who’ve come, to be with me on the cooler side of the sun.

Rabbi: The cooler side of the sun — Inspiration glistens in your snowboard eyes. The town of Aspen shines a little bit brighter when you, my friend grace it’s white mountainsides.

Joey: The cooler side of the sun — and all I want is for everyone to relax and chill til the day done, and to be so free like a flying dove, no anxiety, having only love.

Rabbi: The cooler side of the sun — Visions of destiny peek out from behind your mountain chalet window, and your smile lights up your deeply feeling soul.

Joey: The cooler side of the sun — as I glide down the mountain terrain, the rising sun and the soft white snow I realize I am the luckiest person to be alive.

Blessings, Joey “Snowman” Lowenstein and Rabbi Yitzchak

Joey Lowenstein snowboarding Aspen/Snowmass.
March 2022

Freedom Isn’t Free (March 2022)

Rabbi : Joey, what would you like to title this poem?

Joey : Freedom Isn’t Free

Rabbi : What do you want to add to that line Joey? Start us off.

Joey : Freedom Isn’t Free, you must fight for what is right…everything through the light isn’t black and white.

Rabbi : Freedom Isn’t Free, we can not take for granted the gift of freedom, we must constantly feel free enough to be free.

Joey : Freedom Isn’t Free, Evil never wins with God by your side. Just know the grass is greener on the other side. Watch the sun rise through the riptide.

Rabbi : Freedom Isn’t Free, the goodness of freedom and the freedom of goodness can be cultivated by one who can see that freedom isn’t free.

Joey : Freedom Isn’t Free, we stand by you hand-in-hand. I understand that to win is God’s plan. Remember that it is your land.

Rabbi : Freedom Isn’t Free, your freedom fight is ours & ours is yours, through the darkness and tears, your freedom, allows us to fight our freedom fight, without fear.

Joey : Freedom Isn’t Free, so don’t worry about the outcome, to make evil disappear is the vision, let’s complete the mission, as God is my witness.

Blessings, Joey and Rabbi Yitzchak

“David Always Beats Goliath”
by Joey Lowenstein
March 6, 2022

Take a Moment (February 2022)

Joey : Take a Moment, look and see what the world can be! Traveling through my mind like the seven seas.
Rabbi : Take a Moment, observe yourself inside and out, and then let out a silent shout, demonstrating what you’re all about.

Joey : Take a Moment, as seconds turn to hours, I look for a brighter sun to shine on me as time has only begun.
Rabbi : Take a Moment, you won’t need much longer to begin, sing the song of your soul, it will inform you exactly where to go.

Joey : Take a Moment, Smell the flowers, feel the wind on your skin. Be thankful for life’s riches as I see the mission, so look and listen.
Rabbi : Take a Moment, I know you from another place and time, your smile lights up everyone’s life all the time, please keep on speaking in poetry and rhyme.

Joey : Take a Moment, I’m thankful for people like you that give me a better view on what G-d has for you something new and true.
Joey : Take a Moment – to pause and breathe and reflect on your life to see – to count the whens and drink the coffee within.

Rabbi : Take a Moment – take a deep breath and feel the many sensations and intonations that this momentary breath fills you with.
Joey : Take a Moment – make meaning from silence…explore every facet of your wonderful whole.

Rabbi : Take a Moment – and experience the warm and loving eyes of all the loving people in your life.
Joey : Take a Moment – feel the Sun on your face – and feet on the ground – count the stars in the sky and the vast blue Sea are truly the limits for me.

Rabbi : Take a Moment – and appreciate who you have been and who you are and who you are becoming.
Joey : Take a Moment – to relish the moments of relaxation – let your words lift your soul – connecting you to a deeper meaning of life.

Rabbi : Take a Moment – and listen to the almost imperceptible sounds of all the love that surrounds you always in all ways.
Joey : Take a Moment – to capture the essence of what G-d created–and take time for yourself–let the silence carry your mind to a new horizon.

Rabbi : Take a Moment – and connect to the vibrations and with excited anticipation–allow your imagination to lift your spirit to rare elevations–that no one has felt before.
Joey : Take a Moment – to feel the calming vibrations flowing freely within – and soothing your senses to hold tight to the present – propelling the soul to new heights.

Blessings, Joey and Rabbi Yitzchak


Above the Clouds (January 2022)

Rabbi : Joey how are you doing?

Joey : Totally terrific, it’s always a sweet pleasure to speak with you. Let’s start some poetry. I have a title in mind. It’s called, “Above the Clouds”; I picked this because the almighty creator above is guiding our every move and keeping us in good hands.
Rabbi : I like the fact that you took the initiative to tell me the title and the reason without me asking. It’s a great reason and title, why don’t you start us off Joey?

Joey : Above the clouds, as I look below from the skies and persevere with courageous zest and unleash the love inside my chest.
Rabbi : Above the clouds, clouds are fluffy symbols of the mid-ground between the spiritual and the physical and it reminds us that we can cross that line anytime.

Joey : Above the clouds, for every being on this earth, is like a diamond in what their worth, precious unique, all gods children united together as one.
Rabbi : Above the clouds, in the great beyond, above the sun, there resides the one who knows their thoughts and within this compassion will not ever let us down.

Joey : Above the clouds, the strength i keep is built within so may it be i grow up wise to learn and love without disguise and courageously smile throughout and persevere beyond the doubt.
Rabbi : Above the clouds, the deeper I look inside the farther and higher I can fly and my eyes can see what i’ve never seen before.

Joey : Above the clouds, I aim to be above the clouds where all my worries and doubts are far below beneath my eyes.

Blessings, Joey and Yitzchak

Stars Can Shine Without Darkness (January 2022)

J — Love having this superfecta in full affect, it perpetuates great creative sensations which are unearthed each time we convene for a session. It is crazy to think this journey started as a mid teenager growing up in ‘The Big Apple.’

Y — What is the name of our new poem here Joey?
J — Stars Can Shine Without Darkness — A dream come true in the silver nights dreaming big and shinning bright I can see the vision inside the light
(Dillon wrote: *Lost Yitzchak on Skype for a minute. I asked Joey to give another line in the meantime)

J — Stars can shine without darkness — The days that were stormy are now the brightest blue, keep your eyes on the prize. Life is a gift to be treasured every second of the ride.

Y — Stars can shine without darkness — Dreams in the night shine gently but the sensation of hope is what lights our lives
J — Stars can shine without darkness — Even if your dreams are never ending and your ideas are few we have the capability of making (them) come true

Y — Stars can shine without darkness — Don’t get fooled but the constant onslaught of tribulations just keep your chin up and keep yourself surrounded by inspiration
J — Stars can shine without darkness — Looking out on the new horizon I see a dream coming through raising myself to the highest good.

Blessings, Joey and Yitzchak

You and I are of the Same (December 2021)

J — You and I are one of the same, we all know the forbidden tree, the wind blows the fall leaves as I look into the lake, I see you and me.
Y — You and I are one of the same, well we all feed off the same life force, the tree of life keeps us safe from the forbidden trees curse.

J — You and I are of the same, walking in the path god created for the both of us to switch lanes to meet again.
Y — You and I are of the same, we have both seen how the unfolding dream is becoming our mutual reality.

J — You and I are of the same, as gravity takes us to the unknown, I know he will keep us safe under the sun.
Y — You and I are of the same as the inertia draws us down the path that is chosen for us, we share a bond that will always keep us together.

J — You and I are of the same, So take my lead as we see the unseen.
Y — You and I are of the same, wherever you go, I will follow, and the words that your heart speaks will light up our path.

J — You and I are of the same, follow me as we see that you and me are meant to be.
Y — You and I are of the same, when we arrive at our ultimate destination, we will sit down and partake in the festive occasion.

J — You and I are of the same, believe me when I say.
Y — You and I are of the same, I hear your words and my heart and brain believe you, whatever it is that you say.

J — You and I are of the same, I pray one day you see you and I are one of the same.
Y — You and I are of the same, Your prayers are a soothing bond for all that disturbes the soul and my dearest hope is that you will always be close by so that we can together go where we go.

J — You and I are of the same, mind body and soul, I love you so.

Blessings, Joey and Yitzchak

Branches of the Wise Tree (November 17, 2021)

By Joey Lowenstein

The wisest tree bares it all.
Sheds leaves during the fall.
Let the seasons do their thing.
As winter fades they are reborn in spring.
The branches are its arms and legs.
In the woods by the river, the branches are for climbing
and to allow the tree to be a giver and lover.
For others to hang and others to hide,
in the shade away from the sunshine.
Its wisdom is timeless and uprooted for all.
The wisest branch gives love in the fall.

“Branches of the Wise Tree”
by Joey Lowenstein
November 17, 2021

Relinquish Your Thoughts on a New Tomorrow (November 08, 2021)

By Joey Lowenstein

Let go of your thoughts of a new tomorrow
and stay awake in the present moment.
That’s the key to life.
The magic of the moment is where God and love reside.
So many people are stuck in the future or the past,
yet in the moment is where happiness can be found
and truth reveal itself.
I try my hardest to relinquish hope in the next day
and strive to absorb the current one
with the utmost positive attitude each day.

“Relinquish Your Thoughts on a New Tomorrow”
by Joey Lowenstein
November 08, 2021

Through Each Battle I am Blessed (November 2021)

J — Through each battle I am blessed to see what I can see.
Y — Through each battle I am blessed to feel what I can feel.

J — Through each battle I am blessed to be alive in this earth called heaven.
Y — Through each battle I am blessed to thrive in every phase of life will I be blessed to see to see my ship come in.

J — Through each battle I am blessed to uncover the ocean and see gods grace under the sunset.
Y — Through each battle I am blessed to probe the skies and understand why they contain the deepest secrets.

J — Through each battle I am blessed to visualize a new beginning in my future in hourglass half-full.
Y — Through each battle I am blessed to understand why all that comes my way is exactly what I need today.

J — Through each battle I am blessed to breathe a fresh air of life’s promises never to be broken. Everything happens for a reason.
Y — Through each battle I am blessed, I never give up because I know that there’s always hope no matter what, no matter how hopeless things may seem now

J — Through each battle I am blessed, you may see me struggle but you will never see me fall regardless if I’m weak or not I’m going to stand tall.
Y — Through each battle I am blessed, you may hear about my failings but when the dawn breaks, I will always rise anew.

J — Through each battle I am blessed when you’re against trouble meet it squarely face to face, plant your feet and take a brace.
Y — Through each battle I am blessed the darkness itself is my guarantee that there will be light which will allow me to see that nothing can stand in my way.

J — Through each battle I am blessed through the dark, there is light  and with every challenge there is a blessing in disguise, keep rising to the skies.
Y — Through each battle I am blessed, and the magic number 8 which is Hanukkah’s secret recipe, which holds the key to living in miraculous reality.

J — Through each battle I am blessed I let my worries wash away into the sea and i keep god at the forefront knowing he will let he

Blessings, Joey and Yitzchak

One Snowy Peak at a Time (November 2021)

J — One snowy peak at a time, my heart races for your blissfullness.
Y — One snowy peak at a time, my imagination cup runneth over with snowy images and I see feelings.

J — One snowy peak at a time, as I soar down the mountain, I witness the snowy blanket rushing in between my board and mind.
Y — One snowy peak at a time, like an eagle in flight, and deer in the night, i swiftly glide down the mountainside.

J — One snowy peak at a time, as you see the little houses with chimneys smoking through the sky, I think how lucky I am to be the alive.
Y — One snowy peak at a time, as you focus on the finish line your inner peace begins to overtake your mind and your soul begins to shine like it never has before.

J — One snowy peak at a time, As I look to the stars for guidance I noticed a little voice tell me one peak at a time I will always shine.
Y — One snowy peak at a time, I soak up the icy sun rays and see what my inner being has to say as I fly away down the mountains majestic peaks.

J — One snowy peak at a time, The scenes of serenity on a sun kissed afternoon full of hope i soar down the shattering crystals and take over the mountain tops.
Y — One snowy peak at a time, the inertia of eternity pulls little old me down the slopes and the deepest hopes serve to always protect me.

J — One snowy peak at a time, I stand still happily stunned bonding with the almighty natures soft snow so deep that leaves me richly fulfilled.
Y — One snowy peak at a time, I am in a deep mountain trance, as i do the ancient mountain dance that is only known to the few and far between.

J — One snowy peak at a time, I have entered a dream and the vision of gliding on mother nature’s greatest creation i shred until the tranquility of dusk arrives.
Y — One snowy peak at a time, white powder surreal reality surrounds and nurtures me and all i can feel and see is your holy majesty.

J — One snowy peak at a time, on top of mountain tops, the sensation is unearthed, I soak in the glistening snow and dial in as i turn the course and uplift my inner soul.

Blessings, Joey and Yitzchak

For Every Yin There’s a Yang (October 2021)

J — For every Yin there’s a Yang, like an orchestra, many instruments play making one song.

Y — For every Yin there’s a Yang, Like a day that turns into night, only to become a day again.

J — For every Yin there’s a Yang, Like a man and woman together as one love two people.

Y — For every Yin there’s a Yang, like a child growing old only to have their own child and the cycle repeats itself.

J — For every Yin there’s a Yang, like good and evil…good always prevails.

Y — For every Yin there’s a Yang, let the one who falls down always find a way to get back up.

J — For every Yin there’s a Yang, i  must become one being to understand.

Y — For every Yin there’s a Yang, I must be seeking out the light that hides inside of the darkness.

Blessings, Joey and Yitzchak

A Sanctuary of Purity (September 2021)

Y — Deep Inside There Resides – a sanctuary of purity.
J — Deep Inside There Resides – pure beauty from within – let your mind wander freely and find your happy place and keep tremendous effort into it.

Y — Deep Inside There Resides – a knowing place.
J — Deep Inside There Resides – establishing and confirming the power of truth…develop your true abilities and find your inner strengths to grow and build your potential and leave your legacy behind as fossils of your most authentic self.

Y — Deep Inside There Resides – a reservoir of truth.
J — Deep Inside There Resides – the purity of growth – that evolves from within – our G-d has already made it known – let your beauty be motivated by life and then you shall live fully and purely to your true potential.

Y — Deep Inside There Resides – a face that we know we can be.
J — Deep Inside There Resides – the creative bonds we can transfer to the personal connection that lies within our peaceful being.

Y — Deep Inside There Resides – a life that is completely free.
J — Deep Inside There Resides – a light that will guide and direct you to your sanctuary of new beginnings.

Blessings, Joey and Yitzchak

See the Future Now (August 2021)

Y — See the future now: See where you are right now and where you will be.
J — See the future now: Stop fantasizing. The time is in your hands to create a future that is full of success.

Y — See the future now: That you are walking towards every day of your life
J — See the future now: Act accordingly. Pursue your dreams and act to the highest good.

Y — See the future now: See another’s future now. See where they are right now. See them crossing that bridge into their future.
J — See the future now: Never look back. The past cannot be recaptured. The future depends on the choices you make today.

Y — See the future now: Who is the wise one. The one who sees the future now.
J — See the future now: The present is our biggest gift to transform our disadvantages into mighty success.

Y — See the future now: See what’s going on in the future of the world right now. Open up that door. Take a peek inside. Gently close it and come back over here to this side.
J — See the future now: The future is in our hands. We are the masters of our fate. Speed to look above and see and create your ultimate destiny.

Y — See the future now: See what the future can show you. About where to go. About who you are.
J — See the future now: In the face of many doubters and challenges—stand tall and make the necessary choices to see the future unfold beautifully.

Y — See the future now: See yourself the way other people see you in the future now.
J — See the future now: Never stop following your dreams. Always remain present and positive and watch G-d’s favor you to His calling.

Y — See the future now: See yourself the way G-d sees you in the future now.
J — See the future now: Create a vision by constant practice. Navigate your future to G-d’s plan.

Y — See the future now: See what you’re gonna do… See the future now. And just walk on through.
J — See the future now: As a dream to explore your untapped potential and create the future only you can see.

Blessings, Joey and Yitzchak

Share Love (July 2021)

Y — How are you Joey?…Before we begin the poetry, we have Tomaczek Bednarek again observing and rooting for you…any message you’d like to share?
J — amazing teaming up once again…love the voice of you guys …I’ve always felt there was an inclination of a sensitive side of profound artistry in me….now-a-days the poetry flows and the art gets purer….it relieves stress and helps me showcase a vulnerable side that maybe some team members do not always see

Y — **Share Love – With the sky.
J — **Share Love – Light-heartedly and reach for the sky to really grasp the meaning of life.

Y — **Share Love – With the first person who walks by.
J — **Share Love – Compassion will give you a thrill – richly fulfill – giving you sunshine when all you saw was rain.

Y — **Share Love – with The One Above.
J — **Share Love – With everyone you come in contact with…giving you a purpose in life to live up to.

Y — **Share Love – With those invisible souls that we see to be the most exquisite creatures in all of reality.
J — **Share Love – Getting around the right people and having faith and treat handsomely and kindly that combination…there is hope as long as you stay positive and consistent.

Y — **Share Love – Dare to share love with the trees and the even the mosquitoes and the fleas.
J — **Share Love – With kindness and gentleness – love is literally supremely without a doubt the most essential base of all gratefulness.

Y — **Share Love – With one and all even if you have never met them at all.
J — **Share Love – Like mountain snow and proceed with sincerity – and watch the astonishing light in our own being.

Y — **Share Love – and when you do, the whole world will share love with you.
J — **Share Love – Project light onto others – love is kind – and will guide your every move into a shining reality.

Blessings, Joey and Yitzchak

Share Love (a discussion)

Y — I would like to discuss a topic we will compose a poem about tomorrow—the concept of SHARE-ING LOVE. The topic of love is perhaps the most popular topic in art and music and poetry, etc…Why does love resonate so strong with these types of creative expressions?
J — It is easy to express in art because it is a passion.

Y — Sharing love will naturally inspire others to share with you. Why is this true?
J — Love brings everyone together family and foe.

Y — Sharing love will probably align a person with the love that is found in the Universe. Can you explain this idea?
J — I feel that love lines up with everything in life.

Y — For as long as I’ve known you Joey, you have been a person who shares love with everyone. What motivates you to be this way?
J — I’m learning everyday – how to express it the more to the special people in my life.

Y — Love sharing can actually create healing. What’s the connection between love and healing?
J — Love heals all wounds you go through in life.

Y — Love sharing can be the way to melt away all the hate and division. Can you elaborate on this idea a bit?
J — If there was only love found in our world – there would be no war.

Y — When we share love in our world – G•d reflects back to us His love for us. Can you explain a bit about this profound reflective principle?
J — Love brings you closer to G•d through prayers.

“Worldwide Unity”
by Joey Lowenstein
July 18, 2021

See What The Soul Sees (June 2021)

Y — See what the Soul sees — See all of the invisible influences at play.
J — See what the Soul sees — Brightening up your desire – showing compassion – a soul brighter than any sunrise,

Y — See what the Soul sees — See that which will be born out of the present circumstances.
J — See what the Soul sees — Leading your way to joy – we all are a little broken – but beauty radiates positivity through beautiful souls.

Y — See what the Soul sees — See a person not only for who they are now, but for who they ultimately will be.
J — See what the Soul sees — Love kindness truth and much more is exactly what the soul shows – living selflessly and be caring to others.

Y — See what the Soul sees — See yourself able to see in more hidden dimensions as time goes by.
J — See what the Soul sees — Bringing you out of the shadows and the dark – making your way to the soul light.

Y — See what the Soul sees — See the direction your life is ultimately heading in.
J — See what the Soul sees — Holding a warm hand and dancing in the ocean of waves – leading by example will allow you to see a brighter side of life.

Y — See what the Soul sees — See the intolerable situation of today becoming the source of endless abundance tomorrow.
J — See what the Soul sees — A beautiful outline to your wildest imagination – hold faith – adhere to my principles and see the beauty you’ve been overlooking.

Y — See what the Soul sees — See yourself becoming progressively whole through time.
J — See what the Soul sees — a sparkling light inside transforms reality in the beautiful collaboration of one another.

Blessings, Yitzchak and Joey

A Champion’s Mindset (June 2021)

Y — Joey, greetings.  Great to see you. How are you…and how was Orlando?
J — Totally great time…the trip was very rewarding — breaking obstacles and learning how to control my body and how to overcome anything that comes my way.

Y — How?
J — Yes, it is a champions mindset and all the exercises that we did at the clinic.

Y — Could you please show me and comment about your latest latest paintings?
J — (about 1 of them; the ‘brighter’ one, he said) — Totally put my creative thoughts on the canvas and let my paint brush (he said the word) — go to work.

Y — Show me, please, the other one and please comment (the darker one).
J — My thoughts are not on the painting — when it rains – it pours.

Y — Before we do an actual poem about courage and bravery tomorrow — I wanted to ask you about it — courage and bravery — any initial thoughts about bravery?
J — Bravery is a feeling that only the strong can feel in pressured situations.

Y — What did you learn about bravery in Orlando ?
J — I learned that it is ok to get out of your comfort zone in order to succeed in life.

Y — According to your opinion — are brave people natural born – or do they earn their bravery by overcoming obstacles in life?
J — Yes…I think bravery comes with the trials and obstacles you go through.

Y — What type of courage and bravery do you, Joey, have – that you can inspire others with?
J — The courage that I have is one that comes with time and patience.

Blessings, Yitzchak and Joey

“Highlighted Spirit”
by Joey Lowenstein
June 5, 2021

“Midnight Skylight”
by Joey Lowenstein
June 5, 2021

Hear the Melody (April 2021)

Y — Joey How are you?
J — (full of smiles and sounds of glee) I truly am happy today and it’s so wonderful to reconnect with my good fellow Rabbi…creative writing can flourish in the collective energy we create together
Y — I second those emotions

Y — Hear The Melody of Surrender — Let it’s exquisite melodious strains take you to a place of let go and let G-d
J — Hear The Melody of Surrender — By manifesting true desires in channeling your thoughts to open up to your fullest potential

Y — Hear The Melody of Free Flight — Sweeping you off of your feet into the free-fall swoop of the eagle on her daily air-borne search to nourish her nested young ones
J — Hear The Melody of Free Flight — Taking you places never imagined…set free and let it be G-d’s plan — it is bigger than your words

Y — Hear The Melody of Embracing Every Aspect of Living — Let it’s exquisite melodious strains take you to a place of mindfulness pulling you in to the essence of all you encounter
J — Hear The Melody of Embracing Every Aspect of Living — With guided force, embrace these challenges — accomplish goals — the light at the tunnel’s end will catapult you to your greatest calling

Y — Hear The Melody of Seeing Everything With The Wonder-Filled Eyes — Of a baby seeing all for the first time
J — Hear The Melody of Seeing Everything With The Wonder-Filled Eyes — Of a baby seeing all for the first time — with happiness comes joy — embrace every situation with positivity and remain present — enjoying the beauty of mother earth

Y — Hear The Melody of Sharing Love With One And All — Let it’s exquisite melodious strains take you to a place of — heart-speak melting the hearts of everyone you know and everyone who knows you
J — Hear The Melody of Sharing Love With One And All — Let it’s exquisite melodious strains take you to a place of — peace and satisfaction — basking in many opportunities — the pleasure of embracing and use your great attributes to propel you to your greatest image

Y — Hear The Melody of Perfect As Is — Let it’s exquisite melodious strains take you to a place of — elevated bliss — in the realization that this — this very reality just the way it is is pure bliss
J — Hear The Melody of Perfect As Is — Let it’s exquisite melodious strains take you to a place of — guaranteed prosperity — building and creating yourself to better days and opening up insecurities making you overcome your darkest days

Blessings, Joey and Yitzchak

“Reminiscing great memories in the past with a positive mindset anything is possible.”

To Discover Another Side of Who I am (April 2021)

Y — Life is a constant revelation A series of mysterious indications to clearly show me that I am mainly here to fearlessly discover if I can discover another side of who I am
J — Leading by example Showing compassion Will open up your mind if I can discover another side of who I am

Y — And I am driven to seek out if I truly can be a brand new man with a brand new plan and if I can discover another side of who I am
J — Gaining confidence and building the courage needed to overcome the many hurdles we face daily if I can discover another side of who I am

Y — And sparks of primal desire offer a hidden a way to forsake all the mindlessness we seek to escape offer a way to reshape the path we so deeply want to take and if I faithfully go that way then perhaps I can discover another side of who I am
J — And never applying judgement to a person or situation will allow you to see the positive side of everything if I can discover another side of who I am

Y — And I feel so alive when my resonation revives the sleeping remnants of hidden life calling me from their hidden hive challenging me to see If I can discover another side of who I am
J — Open up your spirit Careful what you consume The mind is the most powerful weapon if I can discover another side of who I am

Blessings, Yitzchak and Joey

Questions & Answers About “Seeing Vastness” (March 2021)

Y — How are you and how was Orlando?
J — Yes. My time in Orlando has proven me — I can overcome the difficulties of dealing with autism. Dr. Barton and the treatment he provided has given me more insight to my brain’s functioning patterns and from this. I’ve been able to gather awareness into my actual potential and a new sense of confidence when achieving what I truly desire in life.

Y — I am very impressed with how deep your understanding is, as expressed in your answer. I would like to begin to speak with you about the the topic of “Seeing the Vastness” in life. When I say this, what comes to mind?
J — I believe that gratitude is the cornerstone to a successful perspective on life and moving forward. I want to keep that prize close to my heart.

Y — “Seeing Vastness” to me means opening up one’s perspective to notice more than I normally notice. What is an example of this for you?
J — By taking everything in the good, the bad and acknowledging those feelings and emotions to tap into new-found strengths.

Y — Another Aspect of ‘Vastness Seeing’ — is to open up your inner spiritual eyes and see your own and others soul; Please share what this kind of seeing might be like.
J — Yes. To reach into your soul and to acknowledge more than love — but adding inspiration in the mix.

Joey at the Plasticity Brain Center

Happiness Hides Inside Trapped Places (February 2021)

Y — Happiness Hides Inside Trapped Places – When we mine the hidden confinements with an urgency that leaves us no choice
J — Happiness Hides Inside Trapped Places – Finding the key to make your sadness to happiness — life doesn’t let us choose our lot — but to be happy or not is our choice

Y — Happiness Hides Inside Trapped Places – When we penetrate beyond the world of lies and deception
J — Happiness Hides Inside Trapped Places – By letting yourself to overcome your most frightened fears — to escape the darkness and live in the holy lights of His grace

Y — Happiness Hides Inside Trapped Places – And when we know this — then we can unleash sweet love from the endless night — and behold the most stunning and spectacular sight — a transformation of dark into light
J — Happiness Hides Inside Trapped Places – If one remembers to turn on the lights — activating your inner peace — so we can live in wisdom — self restored in the lights

Y — Happiness Hides Inside Trapped Places – A rejuvenation that allows our souls to take flight because happiness hides inside trapped places
J — Happiness Hides Inside Trapped Places – Having the momentum to unleash your insecurities and prosper to grow in the most sincere image

Y — Happiness Hides Inside Trapped Places – And love and bonding melt away the division overlook the confusion facilitate the fusion accelerate the solution…
J — Happiness Hides Inside Trapped Places – And making your happiness excel to new heights — but only if you carry the courage to gravitate towards the holy rails — overcoming your fears

Blessings, Yitzchak and Joey

“Perseverance is the continued efforts to achieve something greater despite difficulties and road blocks in the way”

When You Become an Artist (February 2021)

Y — When You Become an Artist: You can create art that outlives you
J — When You Become an Artist: You can see the creativity of art bringing light to your eyes

Y — When You Become an Artist: You can emulate the Creator
J — When You Become an Artist: You can make the impossible — possible — creating words of art

Y — When You Become an Artist: Awaken that which is fast asleep
J — When You Become an Artist: You can grow your spiritual practice to bring your mentality to realize your original thoughts

Y — When You Become an Artist: You can activate your free choice endlessly
J — When You Become an Artist: You can activate a world around you — making the picture have purpose

Y — When You Become an Artist: You can engage life from a place of pure mindfulness
J — When You Become an Artist: You can open the artistic soul to engage mother’s nature to reality

Y — When You Become an Artist: You can feel more alive than you have ever been
J — When You Become an Artist: You can seek what the heart and mind wants to approach — and witness the beauty of the coming

Y — When You Become an Artist: you can inspire others to taste of the mystery and wonder of life
J — When You Become an Artist: you can succeed in one’s gift to take the stand and show off your true colors

Blessings, Joey and Yitzchak

“Red Sun”
by Joey Lowenstein
February 17, 2020

Yellow is the sky, green is the earth, and blue is the water.

When He Put His Pen to Paper (January 2021)

Y — When He Put His Pen to Paper: The ideas The associations Were free flowing and endless
J — When He Put His Pen to Paper: The wisdom came to light jotting down brilliant ideas

Y — When He Put His Pen to Paper: He built the vessels that were able to contain The lights of consciousness The Lights Of dreams The Light of lights to fill those vessels
J — When He Put His Pen to Paper: He realized this was more than an idea — but the blueprint to unleash his powerful creations

Y — When He Put His Pen to Paper: He spoke to us of connection He spoke to us of disconnection He spoke to us of harmony where the disconnection and the connection interweave together in a fine blend sending the reader into harmonious bliss all of this and so much more…
J — When He Put His Pen to Paper: He knew this was more than what it appears — self restored out of the darkness bringing his mentality to re-write his original story

Y — When He Put His Pen to Paper: He painted the pictures of the deepest gloom followed by the brightest hope and a hush filled every room as the readers learned the life lessons of how to cope
J — When He Put His Pen to Paper: He chose to rewrite his destiny — as he embarks on new territory — creative writing — flourishing one line at a time–giving his believers something to believe in

Y — When He Put His Pen to Paper: He told the stories of the grimmest fears followed by the most courageous transformations and everyone drew inspiration
J — When He Put His Pen to Paper: He executed the game plan as he wrote history each day and night — and the ideas just came pouring in

Blessings, Yitzchak and Joey

To Be in a State of Acceptance (December 2020)

J — Let go of those heavy burdens and expect the plan is bigger than your worries
Y — Accept all that comes down from the One Above as being the very best possible of all possible scenarios

J — What will be — is what will be — take the power of acceptance and become what they say wouldn’t happen and take the glory and run with it to the finish line
Y — Be and see and think and feel that all is good — and all that you will encounter will be absolutely good

J — Walk the holy roads and accept that you are created to stand out — enjoy the beauty of becoming
Y — When I see the goodness in me even when others not would see — then I ultimately will be accepted as I am

J — Then you will find the key to happiness — unlocking those heavy chains that were holding you back
Y — Those heavy chains are cast aside — by the peace of mind that you will find when you accept it all as is

J — Accepting what it is — letting go of what you thought was real — protect your peace— follow your instincts— they shall lead you to the united spirits of acceptance
Y — To be in a state of acceptance— is the best way to find the golden character traits that are yours for the asking

J — Learning and developing these traits — is your key role in your destiny — so approach with caution and stay connected — and everything will work magic
Y — Accept all that comes down from the One Above as being the very best possible of all possible scenarios

Blessings, Yitzchak and Joey

“Enjoying the Florida sun brings me happiness”

Light (December 2020)

J — Lights everywhere stay in tune to the inner spirits in our soul — shine bright and let go of heavy burdens
Y — May your insights join with the insights of many light filled sages

J — Seek His love — and find your inner peace — and take this throne and put it to good use
Y — May the dawn of history’s ever increasing — light lead the way — and have no fear — many people are waiting to hear every word you say

J — For we are a bit broken inside — this is how lights get in — now take this fruit and make it whole again
Y — Just listen to the still small voice — the still small voice — inspired by the power of ‘no choice’ — it will resonate in the recesses of your soul

J — Season of mists fulfill these commitments — and take this light and brighten up the days of who needs it the most
Y — And display how the person you are now is the revelation of the person you were — and the impetus of the one who you are coming to be

J — For I have the lights to guide you on — now stay strong in the midst of storms — I shall lead you to the brightest of your dark days
Y — Dear creature of light — seer of sublime sights — know that the greater the darkness, the greater is the light inside

J — I’m not going to stop — I shall come to the light and keep it on — so everyone could gather together and shine bright
Y — And you don’t have to believe me — just look deeply into the holy light — it will show you how your life is unfolding splendidly

Blessings, Yitzchak and Joey

“Basking in Florida’s many opportunities has shed new light on the potential for happiness that still awaits me”