A Fairy Tales Love Story Through Each Rose Petal by Joey Lowenstein

Here Joey describes the painting A Fairy Tales Love Story Through Each Rose Petal (painted August 17, 2022): “Love is not perfect but it is sacred. Love is beautiful. Love is patient. In a fairytale, everything is perfect but love’s imperfections is what makes it their fairytale.”


The Joey Lowenstein Family Foundation

The Joey Lowenstein Family Foundation — Spiritual activities are very personal. For Joey, he meets two to three times a week via Skype with Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz. He is Joey’s Rabbi and Creative Awareness Guide living in Jerusalem, Israel. With Rabbi Schwartz, they work on drawing out Joey’s inner voice by using a keyboard to communicate. During their meetings, Joey shares his poetry, his insights, and any questions he may have. These interactions and activities also help Joey feel centered.

For more information about the Joey Lowenstein Family Foundation and Joey’s Paintings and Joey’s Writings, see: