There once was a boy from New York who loved to make people smile. For the most part, he really meant to please the loved ones in his life, which is why he decided to run away from school. Because he stopped believing in himself, and the listening loved ones around him, he thought it would be best for everyone if he left. When he went missing he scared everyone around him halfway to death.

On his adventure, he met many interesting people who helped him. The most helpful soul had the least. From the start, he told the boy, “won’t you please go home to the people who love you?” Knowing that the boy was lost and in a strange place, he called the police for help.

Knowing that help was on the way, the boy realized that his life was so sacred and special to himself and his loved ones. He learned that everyone in the world has some problems, but that working hard and never giving up is what he must do. So, listen to what this boy learned the hard way, and always follow your dreams to their natural end.

In the coming year, you people reading this must realize to appreciate those things in life which you cherish the most and that you sometimes take for granted. Today, tomorrow, and the next year could be the best time in your life, so you must seize the opportunity while it is still available.

(Joey, Roberta, and I attended a very vibrant and celebratory Rosh Hashanah service this morning. For those people reading this who may not know, Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. During the service, we decided to write a story for this important occasion. Joey was eager to get started as soon as we arrived back at home, and this is what he came up with. – Matthew)